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    Get your free Anthrax to Zodiac bonus materials including a letter from the author and a peek behind the curtain at the research materials Denise used to write the book, including old newspaper articles complete with the author’s margin notes and some great authentic images that aren’t in the book.

    Anthrax to Zodiac

    Research Materials

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    What's in the Bonus materials?

    I've included several of my favorite newspaper articles about the Borden case. These articles are real-life records of the events told in the language of the time from the perspective of those living and reporting on the experience. What could be better?

    Next to the actual clippings, you can still see the hand notes about the articles that I made during my research.

    I’ve also included several intriguing photos that aren't in the book, like mug shots of Zodiac suspect Arthur Leigh Allen and a couple of pictures of Lizzie Borden’s friend, Nance O’Neil.

    Check out shots of Bruno Hauptmann’s car and the fateful gold certificate from the ransom money on which the eagle-eyed gas station attendant wrote Hauptmann’s license plate number.

    I also found an incredibly interesting letter by one of Hauptmann's death row mates written twenty years after Hauptmann was executed purporting to tell the whole story of the kidnapping, including Charles Lindbergh, Sr.'s role as the mastermind.