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    At least 22 victims contracted anthrax as a result of the mailings. Five of the victims died from their infections. Another 31 people tested positive for exposure to anthrax spores. Ten thousand more people, deemed “at risk” from possible exposure, underwent antibiotic prophylaxis. Thirty-five postal facilities and commercial mailrooms were contaminated.

    Amerithrax Investigative Summary

    US Department of Justice

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    Who Mailed the anthrax letters?

    On September 11, 2001, Americans watched in disbelief as jumbo jets crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. The country was under attack.

    Families huddled around their televisions, waiting to see if other hijacked planes were still in the sky, on a collision course with more iconic symbols of American democracy. In the weeks immediately following the attacks, in a state of collective shock, America anxiously waited for the next shoe to fall.

    Then the anthrax letters came.

    Despite spending hundreds of thousands of investigative hours and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, the government never prosecuted a single subject for the crimes.

    So, over twenty years later, we are still left asking, “Who mailed the anthrax letters?”